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Why join the club?

Learning a new ball game can be a lot more fun, faster and cheaper when you get some help!

The Pilot In Command concept is very real, but he or she enjoys some comradery along the way.

What's the process?

Come out and visit, see for yourself what it looks like! There is usually someone flying every decent morning to early afternoon. If the gate is open, a member is there, and you are welcome!

Get an idea of the kind of aircraft that turns you on and talk to experienced flyers about how to get there. Good counsel can save you false starts and frustration. The club can help you team up for instruction if you like. It's always advisable to have another pilot check over a new plane before its maiden flight, and maybe a more experienced pilot take that first flight. It's your call - that Pilot In Command thing again!

When you get ready to fly, you will want to join the AMA - the Academy of Model Aeronautics. The AMA is our national organization that develops our safety program, national contests of many types, lobbies Congress and the FAA for us, and provides the liability insurance the City of Jacksonville requires each of us to have. That will entail a visit to to register and pay $80 per year.

Speaking of the City, Gateway RC Club operates the flying field in partnership with the City of Jacksonville Parks Department. The public is welcome and club membership is not required - the gate is about the club members being safety marshals, and we join the club to support ongoing events and improvements.

When you feel like joining the club, register online or contact our membership chair Billy Meadows.

Dues are $80 per calendar year, prorated, with a $20 initiation fee.

(Active Duty personnel dues are $40 per year, prorated. Same initiation fee. Thank you for serving!)

You will pay to join, prorated to the end of the calendar year, and get a more formal safety briefing and a key to the gate and clubhouse.

We typically meet the first Saturday of the month at 10AM at the field. Welcome aboard!

Gateway RC Club

3461 Lannie Road

Jacksonville, FL 32218

Flightline land line:

(904) 765-1070